Stormwater - MS4


Cornwall Borough Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Website Links and downloads

Cornwall Borough is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to provide stormwater and MS4 educational materials to citizens. One of the ways in which educational materials can be provided is through links to other websites. Residents of Cornwall Borough are encouraged to explore these links in order to gain a better understanding of stormwater pollution problems, solutions, and the requirements of the MS4 program.

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    EPA’s website for municipal stormwater describes what an MS4 is, what the elements of a good MS4 program area, and how MS4s are regulated at the federal level.

  • Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

    DEP’s Municipal Stormwater website describes the requirements of the MS4 program that municipalities must meet. It includes details regarding Minimum Control Measures (MCMs), illicit discharges to storm sewer systems, and Pollutant Reduction Plans (PRPs).

  • Center for Watershed Protection (CWP)

    The CWP’s website focuses on water pollution issues and technical solutions. The organization specializes in watershed planning and stormwater management.

  • National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA):  

    NAFSMA’s Stormwater Management Committee keeps tabs on regulatory proposals and issues that affect local governments. The organization also produces position papers that help local governments and citizens better understand the regulatory environment around stormwater.

  • Quittapahilla Watershed Association (QWA)

    The QWA is a local watershed organization based in Lebanon County that provides volunteer services in pursuit of improved water quality in the Quittapahilla Creek and its tributaries. The group was a major part of a successful streambank restoration project completed at the Quittapahilla Creek Nature Park in 2016.